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  • Writer's pictureRuth


As a husky owner, I am often asked about the breed and what it is like to own a Siberian Husky not one but two . I typically give people general advice about grooming, personality, and training; however, I always end it with the fact that just because my husky is this way, does not mean that all other huskies are. Every dog is different, but we can use the most common features found in each breed to give new owners an idea about what their new dog might be like. One of the things that I have learned is NEVER EVER shave your Siberian Husky. Ever. Huskies are double coated dogs. This means that their coat naturally COOLS and warms them. Yes, their fur helps them to cool down. Do not shave it. Ever. Shaving your dog can expose them to skin issues that they would not have otherwise. It does not cool them down. Oh and on a funny note: Dog hair will be EVERYWHERE. Non-husky owners don’t even understand. IT’S. EVERYWHERE. You’ll never wear black or yoga pants in the house again. It’ll be in your hair, in your car, at work/school, in unopened food, at the restaurant, at your cousins house in Hayward, EVERYWHERE. You will eat it and breathe it in. If you probably can’t deal with that, maybe look for a different breed. Also , with all that hair there’s going to be a lot of grooming appointments. One thing truly that I do LOVE about my huskies is the talking back.

Here a few fun facts about husks :

1. Huskies are bred for extremely cold weather. Okay, this one’s obvious, but did you know which characteristics allow these pups to withstand such freakin weather?

  • A thick, double-layer coat that keeps them warm in temperatures far below zero, even up to negative fifty or sixty degrees (BRRRRRrrrrr!).

  • Fur on their toes keeps paws insulated.

  • Their claws enable them to maintain a grip on icy ground.

  • They’re also great diggers, and will scoop out holes in the snow for a place to burrow and shelter themselves from the wind. In the picture below you'll see Luna in a hole she dug.

2. They’re able to change their metabolisms. Apparently, scientists still can’t put their finger on how this works. Huskies can sprint for hours without getting tired, all the while reserving their energy and fat stores.

3. Do you know how far a Husky’s howl can be heard? Up to ten miles away! Husky owners know that these dogs are particularly talkative. Trust me i love when Max howls its so beautiful !

4. Huskies are often blue-eyed beauties. Many members of this breed have strikingly pale blue peepers. Heterochromia (two different colored eyes) is also a trait that runs in the “family,” but at least one is almost always blue. As for their coats?  They come in six different shades, according to the AKC.

5. Although handsome, Huskies are not the perfect dog for every home. Unsurprisingly, Huskies are happiest in cold climates and need a big yard to exert all that energy! Neat freaks and allergy sufferers, beware: these dogs shed A LOT! But if you don’t mind a little Husky hair in your morning cereal…

6. They can make great family dogs! This breed is particularly pack-oriented and thrives in a family unit. Huskies aren’t the best guard dogs, and usually do very well with children (Note: All animals should be assessed on an individual basis and carefully introduced to younger members of the family!). If you and your family live in a cool or cold climate, have lots of yard space, and would love bringing a pooch on your outdoor adventures, a Husky may be the perfect addition to your family!

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